The Chesil Magazine
is an independent, self-supporting monthly magazine run entirely by voluntary effort for the benefit of Abbotsbury, Langton Herring, Rodden, Fleet and Portesham.
It is full of very useful local information. together with articles written by local people and includes a Diary of regular meetings, what is going on and where.
To have your magazine delivered for an annual fee of just
please contact your local distributor below.
Rosemary Rees (871079)
22 Glebe Close, Abbotsbury
Advertising Manager:
David Wilson
Peter Begley (07972 216419))
Distribution Manager:
David Cox
Village Representatives:
Nigel Melville (871800)
14, Rodden Row
Anita Buckland (871751)
10, Front Street
Langton Herring
Peter Hughes (871708)
Lerret Cottage, Shop Lane
Rodden and Fleet:
David Cox, as above
Material submitted to the Editor is accepted on the understanding that the views expressed are those of the writer and are not necessarily endorsed by The Chesil Magazine. Material should be sent by email, paper material delivered to the Editor (see above) by the 14th of the month (and the 10th of the month every December).
Anonymous pieces must be discussed with the Editor, who reserves the right to reject, amend or shorten all material submitted.
Advertising in The Chesil and Charges
All matters should be addressed to the Advertising Manager (see above), please settle invoices within 30 days.
**New Submission Dates (Deadlines)**
14th of the month for both Magazine and Advertising (the 10th of any December).
Personal adverts: 30p per word, minimum charge £3.00 not boxed.
Size 1 month 3 months. 6 months Year: B/W Colour
1/8 £5.00. £14.00. £27.00 £50.00 £75.00
1/4 £10.00. £28.00. £54.00. £100.00 £150.00
1/2 £20.00 £55.00. £107.00. £200.00. £300.00
Charity Notices
Boxed notices for local charitable events of 1/8 page will normally be inserted without charge (commercial rates applyabrve that and should be sent to the editor). If space cannot be found, we will place the event in the diary.
Are you an experienced Marketing Manager and looking for a new challenge? The Chesil Magazine is thinking about 'going digital' as an addition to our printed version so popular with subscribers, and we would be pleased to hear from individuals who would like to work on this exciting new initiative and join our enthusiastic team of volunteers who produce the monthly magazine.
If you have a good track-record in developing digital marketing strategies and campaigns, can produce innovative and attractive content both on-line and in print, understand customer behaviours, and could grow our existing advertising base, we would love to hear from you.
A more detailed job description is available on request and local expenses for travel etc. would be paid when visiting advertisers and contributors of articles etc.
Please register your interest with our Chair, Gordon, at:
The Chesil Magazine will also be appointing a new Editor in the New Year.
Please register your interest using the above details.