Let's GO!
These are some of the many activities that you can take part in at the Village Hall (all are regular users and helpers except for the Portesham Automobile Society, Portesham Walking Group).
Maybe you'd like to start up your own group activity?
Email: porteshamvh@gmail.com
Click on any appropriate logo or picture below for further details:
Portesham Automobile Society
Despite it being called the Portesham Automobile Society, anyone within the Chesil Bank Parish with an interest in motors, whether they be 2, 3, 4 or more wheeled (or none, it just needs a motor) is very welcome to join us. Our current members' ages range from 14 to 84.
Contact: keith.brignell@sky.com
Portesham Creatives

Chesil Scout Group: Scouts, Cubs & Beavers
Group Scout Leader: Mary Cutting
Meet in Portesham Village Hall
Beavers: Susan White (Beaver Scout Leader) 871368
Friday 17.00 - 18.15
Cubs: Maureen Adams (Cub Scout Leader) 871483
Monday 18.00 -19.30
Scouts: Paul White (Scout Leader) 871368
Tuesday 19.00 -21.00. 2nd Tuesday in Methodist Hall
We meet quarterly at 7.30pm in the Ron Doble Room of the Portesham Village Hall
Contact: Chairman Mr Steve James weysteve@btinternet.com
Portesham Village Hall Thursdays 09.30 to 10.30
Move to Latin music and international rhythms; have fun and get a bit fitter in a relaxed atmosphere. Low impact, easy going routines suitable for any age and any fitness level.
Each class is £6
All classes are on a ‘drop in’ basis; come when you can and pay as you go.
Contact Anne-Marie: 07725 982835 or annemarieszumbe@gmail.com
All welcome to our friendly Friday morning village café
Portesham Village Hall Fridays 10.00 to 12.00 October - April
Warm Welcome Café

Pilates Sessions with Clare Myers
Intermediate Pilates
Portesham Village Hall Wednesdays 10.00 to 11.00
As the Pilates Industry is largely unregulated, I source my training carefully to make sure I am up to date with current evidence based research.
I want to bring the best learning experience and benefits to your body and to ensure I am teaching at as high a standard of safety and knowledge as I possibly can.
Contact: CMPilates@live.co.uk. ClaireMyersPilates.com
Seated Exercise Course with Rachel Newman
Portesham Village Hall Tuesdays 13.00 - 13.45
This AGE UK course offers gentle exercise to keep you active, all while having fun. Designed to improve confidence, increase stability, strengthen muscles & improve posture. Please call 01305 269444
or email: wellbeingservice@ageuknswd.org.uk